Q: How does Equine Guard aid in the fight against EIPH?
A. Equine Guard replaces the depleted sources of essential active vitamins, enzymes, minerals and cellular components which are necessary for the formation of blood components.
The presence of these varied elements is most essential for the healing process to begin.
It enables the vascular and homeopathic system to interact and perform at their highest levels of efficiency.
Equine Guard restores the depleted reserves of the essential building blocks which protects the distressed athlete from becoming prone to pulmonary induced hemorrhaging.
Q: Why use Goodbye-Tie?
A. Lactic Acid build up slows down the animal at the most critical stage of the event (the final furlong).
Goodbye-Tie neutralizes the build up of lactic acid in the animal's system during the event. This avoids the onset of lactosis.